# Classification

This is where you'll classify each record. The attributes defined in the prior column mapping step will have been prepopulated.

As you work your way through each record, you'll have the option to create rules. Rules ensures that during future imports, records matching your rules will get classified automaticaly thus saving you time.

More information on rules can be found here.

# Data attributes

The following data attributes are available during the classification process:

# Record Type (required)

Every record within Money FI is classified as one of the these: Transaction, Income or Investment.

# Date (required)

This is the date on which the transaction, income or investment occurred.

# Category (required)

Once you've selected a record type, this field will be enabled thus allowing you to choose a category for this record.

# Payee (required)

This is the name or description of the record.

# Exclude from totals (optional)

If checked, this record will not be included in any data aggregations (eg: Dashboards, FI Plan etc).

This is useful for excluding such things as transferring money from one account to another since this should not be considered an expense.

By default this is unchecked, meaning that the record will be included in all data aggregations.


Records that are excluded from totals can be explicitly included within the Query Tool.

# Balance (required only for investments)

This field will only be available if you've selected Investment as the record type.

This represents your investment balance.

# Amount (required)

This is the amount. A positive amount represents a credit. A negative amount represents a debit.

# Tags (optional)

Tags allow you to further classify your data if you wish. They can be useful when you want to keep track of records on a more fine grained level than categories.


Tags can be filtered by in the Query Tool.

# Notes (optional)

Any additional comments you have regarding this record can be added here.